6 Figure Business Owner? Here’s why your marketing strategy isn’t working.
Last year I witnessed a lot of burnt out biz owners limping to the end of the year. They were done. Exhausted from… The constant churn of creating content because you don’t want your community to forget about you if you stop showing up....
Are online courses dead? The truth about evergreen course sales in 2025 with Jessica Tutton
Online courses are DEAD. Well, that’s what the online gurus will have you believe. The ins + outs lists for 2025 are predicting online course creators are in for a tough time. Butttt should you really believe them? Instead of taking...
Get them Hooked on You.
In today’s online space, standing out is harder than ever. With the flood of AI-generated content and constant distractions, audience fatigue is real. Think about it – the moment you unlock your phone, you’re bombarded with content: A new...
How Samantha Wills used the magic of creativity to guide her entrepreneurial journey
When I started my podcast back in 2021, the number 1 person on my dream guest wishlist was Samantha Wills. She’s my creative inspiration, the reason I got into marketing and someone I’ve admired for well over 12 years. In fact, one of my...
2024: The Worst Year of My Life (& How My Business Got Me Through)
2024. The worst year of my life. Usually, the final episode of the How I Do Content Podcast every year is a year-in-review episode. …But this year I thought about not even recording this episode, or simply doing a surface-level review of...
The Secret to Standing Out in a Competitive Market
Standing out in the online space right now can feel difficult… But it’s not impossible. Your soulmate clients are out there searching for you, so what are you doing to get noticed? No, you don’t need to change your name to Hagrid to stand...
Spells for an Easeful Business and Sales on Repeat
Over the past 5 years, I’ve been part of the marketing and coaching teams of many 6- and 7-figure businesses… I’ve seen how these businesses work and the strategies they use as I’ve worked alongside and collaborated with some of the...
Content Creation Made Easy AF
Creating content in your business can often feel like a full-time job, right?! And, if you didn’t in fact start your business to become a full-time content creator, you probably want to know how to make it a little dog damn easier. In...
High Ticket vs Low Ticket: The Truth About What Really Sells
Pop quiz, Wizard – which is easier to sell: high ticket offers OR low ticket offers? Well, the answer might shock you… Neither offer is easier to sell. You might be thinking, “GTFO, Tahryn, a low ticket offer is obviously easier to sell...
Want more sales? Do this
Money-making season is upon us! There are some really great opportunities to make money in this season, and, if you’re heading into the last 3 months of the year with a goal to make more sales – this episode is for you! There are a few...
The Truth About ‘Consistent’ Content
I regularly preach the importance of consistency in your marketing. In fact, if you did a search through every episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, you’d definitely find the word ‘consistency’ mentioned a whole damn lot. Consistency...