Welcome back to SEASON 5 of the How I Do Content Podcast and of course Happy New Year!
I’ve NEVER been more excited for a new year to begin.
I’m a big believer that you don’t need to wait until a specific date to make changes or go after what you really want…
But after the year that was 2024 I was SO looking forward to the symbolic start of a new year – a clean slate, a new season and the fresh energy that comes with it.
This is my 6th year in business and it’s also the year I turn 40 so I can feel the magic in the air, which is a nice shift after last year.
The start of the new year is also the perfect time to check in with what you’re calling in more of and what you’re leaving behind in 2024.
Perhaps 2025 is the year you work exclusively with dream, fully aligned clients – no more working with anyone and everyone or chasing people who aren’t a perfect-fit for your offers.
So in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast I’m sharing how you can refine and elevate your client attraction strategy in 2025 so you’re in-demand with Beyoncé-level clients all year round.
Sounds good? Let’s get into it!

New Year New Client – it all starts at the top!
Now if you want 2025 to be the year you work with Beyoncé-level clients only – it all starts at the top.
Your top-of-funnel messaging.
It sets the standard for the calibre of clients you get to work with (aka at the bottom of your funnel), so if the clients you’re currently attracting into your world at the top of the funnel don’t really fit the mould for your absolute dream clients…
Refining your client attraction strategy should be your top priority right now.
What’s top-of-funnel messaging?
Whenever you start throwing around the word “funnel” people start to lose their minds. I blame the bro marketers who’ve bro-fied the term and made it appear much scarier and more complicated than it needs to be.
The top of your funnel is the entry point into your world.
It’s the first impression your business makes. It’s how potential clients discover you, decide you’re the one they need, and then take that first step into your world.
If your top-of-funnel messaging isn’t clear, relevant and relatable to your dream clients, don’t be surprised if they keep on scrolling or worse, go to someone else who’s positioned themselves as the only option for the problem they want solved.
Your top-of-funnel messaging is the front door to your business – it determines who comes in and feels at home. Do you really want to invite anyone and everyone over? I think not.
Why your top-of-funnel messaging matters…
If you find yourself putting in the work (you know – creating content, going through the full launch process, building your email list)…
But instead of dream clients…
- You keep getting ghosted…
- You’re always coming up against the zillion reasons why now isn’t the right time for them to work with you…but next minute they’re signing up to work with someone who charges 10x what you do…
- And the only action your DMs are getting are from bots telling you they “love your content”
Not to mention the growth of your email list and social media following is SLOWWWWW.
And it feels like you’ve exhausted all your warm leads…
This is all a sign top of funnel messaging is letting you down.
Imagine instead of wondering where your next client is coming from – they find you and they’re already sold on you before you even speak to them.
They see you as the ONLY option – price objections, no convincing, no endless DMs.
And this isn’t just during your launches – your pipeline is constantly filled with these dream humans year round.
That’s the goal right?! So how do you actually make this happen?
How to refine your client attraction strategy
Now this isn’t about spending more time on Instagram or churning out more content.
It’s about creating messaging so clear and powerful that when your dream clients see it, they feel like it was written just for them, and can’t wait to take the next step.
OBVIOUSLY, it all starts with WHO is that Beyonce-level client you want to work with?
Remember in 2025 you’re not working with anyone and everyone – only Beyoncé-level clients need apply.
So who would you feel excited to work with and more specifically, what are their challenges, goals and desires?
Focus on the transformation not just what’s included
Beyoncé-level clients want to know what’s in it for them – how will their life or business change because of your work?
What do they really really want? Always lead with that. Because if your offer doesn’t solve a priority problem– they won’t buy.
For the love of dogs, stop trying to speak to anyone and everyone.
You’re not doing that anymore.
This obviously relates back to who your dream client actually is – but you need to speak directly to those specific challenges, goals and desires. Not the challenges, goals and desires of everyone else.
Don’t water it down to be more palatable to the muggles.
BE SPECIFIC – speak their language, give examples that relate to their life and business, make them feel seen, heard and understood.
Make it crystal fucking clear to your dream clients why you’re the ONE for them.
If you sound like every other Harry, Ron and Hermione in the online space – guess what? You won’t stand out. You’ll blend into all the muggles.
And those dream clients – will go straight to someone else to solve their problem because they don’t know you exist.
What makes you different from everyone else? If you can’t articulate why you’re the wizard to support them – why would they choose you? Be brave, be bold and fully own and embody your unique blend of magic!
My recommendation for you is to do a little mini-audit of your top-of-funnel content.
Go and take a look at your website, sales pages, Meta ads, social media content and emails.
- Are you speaking directly to that ultimate Beyoncé-level client?
- Is it clear why they should take that first step into your world?
- Are you positioning yourself and your offer as the obvious choice for them?
If it’s not aligned with the clients you want to attract – it’s time to fix that and refine your client attraction strategy.
Sign up for a Messaging for LEADS Session
Your personalised top-of-funnel messaging strategy to fill your sales pipeline with hot AF leads who are READY to buy.
Together we’ll flesh out your next-level messaging so you can attract already sold dream clients into your world faster than Harry Potter chasing the Golden Snitch.
In 90-minutes we’ll:
- Determine the bespoke messaging for YOUR top of funnel strategy that you can apply it to your sales pages, Meta ads, social media content and emails to fill your sales pipeline with hot AF leads
- Craft different angles for your content to get those Beyoncé-level clients hooked (and sold) on YOU
- Create the framework for your next piece of lead generation content so you can start calling in dream clients straight away
If you want to make 2025 the year you become fully-booked with dream, fully aligned clients – sign up for a Messaging for LEADS session today for only $799.

Want More?
⚡️ Instagram: @thesocialbolt
⚡️ Download my Marketing Prompts For Client Converting Content here