
 Micro Messaging

The only program you need to message + market your brand & offers to win clients on repeat without sounding like every other Tom, Fred & Harry Potter on the internet.

To take your audience from “I’ll wait until next time” to “I’m in! Send me the link”…

All comes down to how clearly + confidently you position yourself + your offer as the ONLY solution to the problem your dream clients want to solve.

Not how much value you share in your marketing

Not by lowering the price of your offer 

Not by changing your entire business model and creating a new offer every week

Not how many times you post or the type of content you share

Your messaging is THE thing that turns lurkers into clients faster than Harry Potter chasing the Golden Snitch.

Because in an online space where you compete for your audience’s attention alongside massive companies with massive followings, massive teams and massive marketing budgets…

The #1 thing your business needs is great messaging…

But not just any messaging – MICRO MESSAGING. 

Messaging that’s personalised and relevant to your ideal clients and EXACTLY what they need to hear to know they can’t live without you + your offer in their life (like yesterday!).

Because I’m hearing on repeat from smart business owners (like you) that an increasingly competitive + noisy online space means:

  • A lack of quality and consistent leads who are as hot as Harry Styles and ready to buy
  • Not enough eye-balls on your content (so what’s the point creating anything?!)
  • Unless your name is Hagrid, it’s harder than ever to stand out online 
  • You need a PhD (and a whole lotta patience) to try to figure out what mood the algorithm is in this week 

Micro messaging is the solution to the biggest challenges businesses are facing right now.

In 2024 the messaging shifts are in the MICRO – basic witch messaging is OUT and magic AF micro messaging is IN!

So if your main priority is to make more money in your business right now…

You need to focus on mastering your micro-messaging.

Because when you know how, here’s what business looks like:

⚡️ You’re known as THAT WITCH for the magic you create so *obviously* you attract Beyonce-level clients who move fast (and pay faster) because your offers are EXACTLY what they need in their life 

⚡️ You’re crystal clear on who you help, the offer to help them + why you’re the wizard to support them so turning your messaging into content is EASY + FUN and converts like crazy

⚡️ You become THE Dumbledore-level Wizard in your industry because you own your unique blend of magic and confidently share what you really want to talk about (not the PG version) which attracts the right, premium clients. 

⚡️ You can turn a small audience into a 6-figure business because your messaging hits immediately so there’s always consistent high-demand for your offers without having to sell them 24/7. Smaller audience? No problem.

⚡️ Your inbox is filled with “pinch-me” opportunities – from keynote speaking gigs, to guest masterclasses and podcast interview requests –  you’re fully seen in your magic and they can’t get enough of you!

It’s not dark magic – IT’S MICRO MESSAGING

So why am I the wizard to teach you my favourite messaging spells?

Hi, I’m Tahryn

Multi 6 Figure Mentor and Marketing + Messaging Wizard

I’ve been in business for 5 years and have leveraged my messaging + marketing to create:

🪄 A stand-out personal brand that other biz wizards refer to as “best practice”

🪄 I’ve made sales from every single offer I’ve launched

🪄 AND my business has grown consistently year on year (both revenue AND profit)

I’ve done this without:

👉🏻 A massive following or email list

👉🏻 Transfiguring myself into the loudest muggle in the room

👉🏻 Attending networking events every week #introvertlife

👉🏻 Posting every single day on every single marketing channel 

So I KNOW I know what it takes to become successful in business, stay successful AND sell out, sustainably.

And in 2024 it’s the micro-messaging shifts that have the biggest impact.

After I made some tweaks to the messaging for my 1:1 Mentoring Series – it changed the game for myself and my business.

This offer became my easiest offer to market + sell despite it also being my most premium offer in terms of price point.

Knowing how to master my micro-messaging has not only made creating consistent cash flow in my business SO MUCH EASIER…

But it also gives me the confidence to own my Dumbledore-level expertise and talk about my offers in a way that attracts the RIGHT client for my offers every single time!

Your messaging is the thing that’ll help you cut through the noise and stamp your unique blend of magic everywhere so it’s clear to your ideal clients why they need YOU in their life – RIGHT NOW!

And this is why I’ve created the ultimate Marauders Map to master your micro-messaging…


Micro Messaging

The only program you need to message + market your brand & offers to win clients on repeat without sounding like every other Tom, Fred & Harry Potter on the internet.

Messaging is the ultimate biz spell you MUST possess in your Wizards’ toolkit – it’s the easiest and fastest way to make Sirius money in your business.

It’s why I ALWAYS prioritise my messaging and support my clients to do the same.

And now I want to arm you with the ultimate micro-messing spells to speak directly to your ideal client and activate them to move into being a fast YES to working with you.

During our time together you’ll learn:

How to create desire, demand and differentiation (The Bolt 3D Framework) in your messaging so you can stand out to the right people and position yourself and your offers as the ONLY option for your dream clients 

How to turn your micro-messaging into money-making marketing across multiple channels without breaking a sweat or transfiguring yourself into someone you’re not

How to save time on your marketing because you’re CLEAR AF on exactly how to talk about your brand and offers (and in different ways) which also translates into those Beyonce-level clients understanding your message and making purchase decisions FASTER (no need for 713 education posts to warm them up first!) 

How to create in-demand offers that are easy to sell regardless of the price point because you KNOW it’s exactly what your dream clients actually want and they’re willing to pay for

How to create a magnetic sales process so you’re consistently growing and nurturing your community with leads as hot as Harry Styles without having to lift your wand 24/7


I’ll take you through my step-by-step micro-messaging process from START to FINISH so you have the confidence to talk to your community in a way that gets them to take action and want to work with YOU again and again.  


The ingredients in

Micro Messaging includes;


3 months of magical messaging training 

Get ready to map out your unique start to end micro-messaging blueprint through this magic mix of live + pre-recording online learning.

micro messaging modules on demand 

Implement my proven Micro Messaging Framework & Process with on-demand modules delivered into your private learning portal every fortnight taking you through EVERYTHING you need to master your unique micro-messaging.

3 X monthly live Q&A calls

Ask me your burning messaging questions LIVE so you’re clear and confident on how to implement your micro-messaging process and turn those lurkers into clients! 


The following magical bonuses:


100 Magical Content Prompts

Based on The Bolt 3D Framework you’ll take your micro-messaging and turn it into 100 magical pieces of high-impact and high-converting content that you can repurpose on repeat – JUST LIKE MAGIC!

Only available until Wednesday 3rd July

The best part?

I ALSO include all my templates + resources + done for you scripts – everything I use in my business + give to my 1:1 clients is yours.

I’m saving you HOURS and giving you the peace of mind that your messaging is getting you in front of the RIGHT people (the ones who can’t wait to pay you).

This is your opportunity to learn everything I’ve uncovered from 5 years in business supporting 6 and 7-figure business owners AND building my own stand-out multi-6-figure business – and use them to craft YOUR unique money-making micro-messaging.

Ellie Swift's testimonial

“Tahryn is an incredible marketer and coach.

Our clients always marvel at how she’s SO good at marketing; creating messaging that makes them stand out, helping to map out standout launches & being able to make the 1% changes that lead to incredible client results.”

“In addition, Tahryn is super intuitive. She’ll see any mindset challenges you might be navigating as a client and know how to support you through them and call you back into your highest.

If you’re looking for a coach who is both an amazing marketer AND will truly see you – look no further than Tahryn.”

– Ellie Swift

Mindset & Marketing Coach



I went from 3k months to 10k months!!

What I love the most about working with Tahryn is the level of support – she’s a business coach but also like a friend and therapist who cares about the nitty gritty business things I can’t talk to anyone else.

Working with Tahryn has given me so much more clarity and confidence, the belief that I DO know what I’m doing and knowing someone else is rooting for my business just as hard as me.

Never leave me!

– Chayla

Fat Feminist Photographer

Sign up for Micro Messaging

And get crystal clear on your unique money-making micro-messaging.


Until Wednesday 3rd July

 Payment Plans:

3 x monthly payments of $666 $499


6 x monthly payments of $333 $249

All prices are AUD including GST


Until Wednesday 3rd July

 Pay in Full:

1 payment of $1997


All prices are AUD including GST

It’s no longer enough to simply show up + share content consistently.

Right now it might feel like it’s harder than ever to stand out online + attract Beyonce-level clients because you’re fighting for the attention of your audience.

And if you’ve ever thought to yourself…
🪄 I wish my audience would buy the second I dropped an offer
🪄 I wish my audience knew how transformative my offers are
🪄 I wish my audience would pick me
🪄 I wish I had the formula to sell out my offers every damn time

This is your sign it’s time to double down on your messaging.

Your micro-messaging is how you get in front of the RIGHT people and know the magic words they need to hear to see you + your offers as game-fucking-changing.


“When it comes to all things content – creation, strategy and implementation – Tahryn is your woman. Or should I say, Content Wizard!”

“Working with Tahryn has been one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. She is an absolute powerhouse of knowledge and skills, helping me to work smarter, not harder, and getting the most out of all the content I create. I highly recommend working with Tahryn, especially if you’ve ever found yourself feeling overwhelmed when it comes to content creation.”

– Bec Cuzzillo

Spiritual Business Coach


“Working with Tahryn has given me so much more time and freedom.”

What I love the most about working with her is that she makes launching and creating content easy and fun – it’s like she’s in my head.
She’s supported me to launch my new experience Permission Granted with my most recent launch being a $40k launch. Tahryn is irreplaceable.”

– Sam

The Queen of Permission

Micro messaging can change the game for you + your business.

It’s THE thing that connects absolutely everything you do.

At every stage of business…

For every offer you create…

For your marketing strategy…

For your sales strategy…

You always need to focus on your messaging.

Because when you’re clear and confident in your messaging:

  • You attract the RIGHT people into your offers who become repeat clients and your biggest marketing allies
  • Your potential clients see you as the ONLY person to support them to solve their problem  and they happily pay your prices and show up and do the work 
  • You have so much to say about your offers and the confidence to tell every Harry, Ron & Hermione why they need to sign up right now! 
  • You’re inundated with magical opportunities because your name is shouted in rooms you’re not even in because you have Dumbledore-level brand reputation 

It’s the glue that holds your business together.

So if you’re ready to take things up a level (or two) and become seen, heard, respected AND paid by Beyonce-level clients – Micro Messaging is for YOU!    

Sign up for Micro Messaging

Get ready to anchor into your micro-messaging and create your own unique magic potion for biz success.


Until Wednesday 3rd July

 Payment Plans:

3 x monthly payments of $666 $499


6 x monthly payments of $333 $249

All prices are AUD including GST


Until Wednesday 3rd July

 Pay in Full:

1 payment of $1997


All prices are AUD including GST