This is the last episode of the How I Do Content Podcast for 2021!
I still have to double check that yes we’re in December and that another year is nearly over.
So before I blink and it’s 2022 I wanted to do a recap episode of the year that was 2021.
To share some of my highs, my lessons and how I achieved some pretty magical goals – because I always find it helpful to hear what other people did and didn’t do to reach their goals.
So let’s dive in to my 2021 in review.
![[PINTEREST] HIDC Podcast Pins 2021 in Review](
WOW what a year!
If I had to sum up 2021 in one word it’d probably be BIG. Big in many different ways.
And if I didn’t sit down and make myself reflect on this year and what I’ve done, I know I would’ve overlooked a lot of this and that’s why I find actually taking the time to reflect and celebrate is so powerful.
I remember my first “end of year” – I’d been in business for about 6 months and I had a friend catch up over Zoom with Amee & Miish and they literally forced me to share my wins with them. They sat there until I told them at least 10 of my wins for the year. It was painful for me, but I’m glad they forced me to do it, otherwise I wouldn’t have.
So back to 2021.
I started the year still feeling burnt out from 2020. So not the best way to start the year, but it was a huge catalyst for every decision I made from that point on.
2021 was the year of the Feel Good Business Strategy.
My two words for the year were Joy & Balance.
So every decision I made in my business was around…
- Does this feel good?
- Does this spark joy for me and the business?
- Will this bring the balance back?
This is also why having a business coach is so helpful.
Because you have someone to help you identify where you need to make changes and where you need more support – you don’t have to figure it out yourself.
I can’t even put into words how grateful I am for my business coach Ellie – for caring about me and my business, like it’s her own. It’s so reassuring to know that even when you find yourself in the most challenging times, there’s someone there cheering for you.
So 2021 has been both exceptionally challenging and exceptionally rewarding.
Most of the year has been a practice of patience and trust.
Some days I wanted to give up.
But I sit here now, just having had my biggest month in business (in November) and it’s also my biggest year in business.
Let me say that this was a result of a long term strategy.
No quick, overnight success story here. I didn’t post one Reel and go viral. I didn’t wake up to a huge lump sum of money in my bank account simply from one post.
It happened because at the start of the year I DECIDED that this year was going to be better than last year. And that I was going to do whatever it took to feel better about myself and my business. To not hit the end of the year so tired and burnt out that I couldn’t get out of bed. I was intentional about all of my decisions.
And so yes 2021 has been my best year in business in terms of revenue, but it’s also the best I’ve felt in my business and in myself. I look back on how I felt at this time last year and wow, it’s been such a journey.
My highlights for 2021
- Launching a Harry Potter themed quiz and my DIY Content Wizard Bundle
- Celebrated (and survived) 2 years in business
- Let go all of my done-for-you retainer clients to focus on coaching and the School of Content Wizardry
- Had my biggest launch for the School of Content Wizardry
- Claimed my title as biz wizard (aka a business coach) who specialises in content and launching
- Launched Become a Launch Wizard for the first time
- Was a guest on some of my favourite podcasts
- Ran numerous guest masterclasses inside other programs
- Had my biggest month in business in November
Some pretty magical things in that list, but there’s 3 things that really stand out for me, that I’m most proud of and that I believe changed the game for me.
Firstly it’s launching this podcast.
I never, ever thought I’d have a podcast. But when I felt myself getting so frustrated with social media, to the point that I was hating creating content. I knew something had to change.
Because what I know to be true, is if you hate doing anything, you’ll avoid it. And you can’t avoid creating content in your business. Especially if you’re me and a content wizard.
So I decided I was launching a podcast, even though I had no idea what I was doing…and I love it.
I love:
- How it allows me to harness my repurposing skills.
- That I get to chat to other amazing business owners and learn from them when I’m interviewing them.
- How new people discover my podcast and binge listen to episodes.
- And the deeper connections I’ve built with you because of what I’ve shared.
Obviously to top that off – reaching #1 in Australia and #2 in NZ on the Apple podcasts Marketing charts is pretty fucking cool too.
I just love it.
A big shout out to my podcast editor Pablo who works his magic each week. If you are thinking about starting a podcast in 2022 and are on the hunt for an editing wizard – Pablo is your man!
And of course it wouldn’t be possible without you – so thank you for listening – it means so much to me.
The second thing I’m most proud of – is the day I voluntarily left my house and spoke at the Social Club Spotlight event.
Photo Credit: Alchemy Brand Studio
As an introvert this might seem like a pretty crazy thing to do…because speaking in front of a hundred people and going to networking events are usually a playground for all the extroverts.
And that’s exactly why I did it.
Because we might not be the loudest people in the room or want to be the centre of attention – but introverts are fucking cool too. So this one was for the introverts.
And if you’re in Perth and want to get out of the house and meet some other like-minded legends, the Social Club events are introvert certified – by me. And you can always come up and say hello to me in the corner.
And the third thing that I’m most proud of this year – was being asked to be a support coach inside my business coach Ellie’s mastermind – the Swift Marketing Mastermind.
I’m an OG masterminder as I was in the very first round, so it’s a full circle moment for me.
It’s been amazing and honestly such a HUGE turning point for me this year. Obviously being trusted to support the magical women inside the container – it’s also given me the confidence to know that I am good at what I do.
So Ellie believing in me, has had the biggest impact because it’s helped me believe in myself.
And the result has been finishing 2021 with mind-blowing results in my business and how I feel
Again I want to reiterate that what I’ve achieved this year was not from one launch or one particular moment.
It was a result of many small moments added up. This is where the magic really happens.
It was the days that I kept showing up, and taking small steps towards my goals that led me here.
In a world of “I want everything right now”, it takes balls to go at your pace. To chip away at it each day.
So if you’re ending 2021 feeling tired and burnt out, please know that I understand how you feel.
And from me to you – it can get better.
This is all a result of my FEEL GOOD BUSINESS STRATEGY. Which of course is sticking with me in 2022.
And I work with my clients to ensure that ALL their launching, content, strategy, offers are done from this place rather than a place of hustle, and THAT’S what gets results.
So there’s a little snapshot of my 2021 – and now I invite you to do the same.
I want you to take some time and reflect on your year – What are you most proud of?
And no matter how small you think it is, it’s so important that you celebrate the shit out of yourself. Because you deserve it.
So that’s a wrap on the How I Do Content Podcast for 2021.
THANK YOU so much for listening in.
I’ve loved sharing with you in this way and honestly it still blows my mind how many of you listen each week – I’m so fucking grateful for that.
And I don’t know about you but I’m feeling oh-so 20-22. Ned & I will be back next year with new episodes and new guests. I’m already super excited for that.
Until then, say hi to your dog for me.
![[PINTEREST] HIDC Podcast Pins (1) 3 Things No One Tells You About Launching](
Want More?
⚡️ Instagram: @thesocialbolt ⚡️ Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here ⚡️ Get my DIY Content Wizard Bundle to help you with strategic content creation for your heart led business here