5 ways to make 2023 easier (and generate more cash)

Content Creation Made Easy AF

Creating content in your business can often feel like a full-time job, right?!

And, if you didn’t in fact start your business to become a full-time content creator, you probably want to know how to make it a little dog damn easier.

In this episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I share how you can make content creation easy AF – now, and into 2025.

Because content creation can be easy and it can be fun – you just gotta know what’s important and what isn’t.

I have worked with hundreds of clients who, when we start working together, absolutely hate creating content. Then, after simplifying everything and understanding what’s important, they start to enjoy it. 

When you don’t have a whole lot of resistance around creating content, it’s a whole lot easier to do it… and do it consistently.

Yes, it’s possible – let me show you how.

Content Creation Made Easy AF

Step One: Master your micro-messaging FIRST

The key to making content creation easier starts with your messaging – always has, always will.

Your messaging is the foundation for EVERYTHING in your business. 

It gives you a really solid anchor point for making offer creation, marketing, and selling in your business SO MUCH EASIER.

When your messaging is clear, intentional, and aligned with your audience’s desires, it acts like a roadmap – eliminating the guesswork and overwhelm that often comes with content creation.

Think about it: the most time-consuming part of creating content is figuring out what to say and how to say it in a way that connects with your audience. 

Without strong messaging, you’re constantly trying to reinvent the wheel, scrambling for ideas, and second-guessing whether your content will resonate.

But when you master your micro-messaging first – you always have a clear direction.

That’s the thing I hear the most – “I don’t know what to share to get my ideal clients or customers to take action.”

The answer lies in your messaging! 

Your micro-messaging simplifies the content creation process in several ways…

Mastering your micro-messaging means you’ll always know what will resonate with your dream clients

The first step of mastering your micro-messaging always comes back to the desires of your dream clients.

When you truly understand them (and their pain points, desires, and language) – it simplifies content ideation because you already KNOW what will resonate.

Instead of chasing trends or creating content for the sake of it, your messaging keeps you focused on what matters most – your dream clients and what they desire.

Having this focus narrows down your content topics, making it easier to come up with ideas that are relevant and relatable to them.

This also means that, because your audience feels seen and heard, they’re more likely to engage with your content, and therefore enter your funnel and progress through it faster.

My #1 recommendation is to stay connected with your audience and regularly conduct audience research.

Instagram makes it super easy to check in with your audience at any time with question boxes, polls, and DMs. You have all this great insight right at your fingertips.

Make sure you listen to the language they use when expressing their challenges and desires. This will give you real-time insights into what they care about most.

Mastering your micro-messaging means you can finally create content consistently

You know I’m always banging on about consistency, but, honestly, if you struggle with maintaining consistency with your content – listen up.

Your messaging allows you to repeat key themes and ideas because everything you create is tied to your core message. 

Instead of scattering your content across too many unrelated topics, you can stick to a few core themes that align with your message.

Repetition is such a powerful tool in marketing because it reinforces your message, making it more memorable and trustworthy in the minds of your audience. 

Plus, studies show that people need to hear a marketing message many, many times before they truly remember it or take action. So repeating your message helps cement it in their minds – so they remember you!

When you focus on repeating core themes and key points, you’re not having to start from scratch every time you create a piece of content – you’re simply presenting your message in a different way.

Instead of always needing to come up with new ideas or angles – you’re working smarter, not harder (which is like my goal in life and business!).

My #1 recommendation is to keep the core message BUT change the angle. 

By approaching your messaging from different perspectives, you provide fresh insights for your audience while staying on message. This is how you get them to think “Oh, I never thought about it like that!”

For example – you could talk about the same core problem they’re currently facing, but highlight different solutions, challenges, or opportunities.

Because it’s often a shift in their perspective that gets your audience to take action.

How to build a magical message bank for faster content creation

Whenever I start working with my clients, I always start with a Magic Messaging Session. This is where we get clear on the core message and key themes to focus on in their content. I compile these insights into a document that both of us can pull from at any stage – which saves us from starting from scratch each time.

Having a bank allows you to create content quickly and consistently while ensuring everything you put out is on-brand and aligned with your audience’s needs.

You’ll never be staring at a blank screen, unsure of what to say or how to start, again! 

Instead, you create your own plug-and-play system where you simply choose a message from the bank and tailor it for the specific platform. 

It doesn’t have to be fully formed pieces of content – it’s for ideas, templates, and snippets that you can then create, flesh out, refine, or repurpose when you need to. 

My #1 recommendation is to create a simple Google Doc where you can start building a digital bank.

Fill your bank with phrases, taglines, best-performing content, and client feedback.

You can organise it into sections such as audience pain points, offer benefits, your unique blend of magic, and key testimonials – then you can quickly find relevant talking points depending on the type of content you’re creating.

It doesn’t need to be complicated, but I want you to start curating it because…

The more you use your messaging as the key foundation for your content creation, the easier it becomes. 

It simplifies every part of content creation.

The only thing it doesn’t do is make the Instagram algorithm love you back! That’s impossible. 

…But it does give you clarity and, in turn, consistency, focus, and alignment, all of which make content creation easier, faster, and more effective.

If you don’t know the exact micro-messaging your ideal clients need to hear from you right now (and into 2025) – you need to sort out your priorities, wizard!

Join me for my upcoming masterclass to truly master your micro-messaging 

The 3 Micro Messaging Shifts to Blow Up Your Content (+ Cash Flow)’ will be held on Thursday 31st October on Zoom. 

I’ll be taking you through 3 micro-messaging shifts that have transformed my clients’ businesses, as well as where you can use them in every area of your business to really differentiate yourself from the muggles.

If you’re committed to making your content creation process a whole lot easier – you need to be at this masterclass!

So jump on over to thesocialbolt.com.au/masterclass to sign up for free. 

A replay will be available if you can’t make it live or want to watch it back at 2x speed. 

Content Creation Made Easy AF

Want More?

⚡️ Instagram: @thesocialbolt

⚡️ Sign up for the Biz Wizard Intensive here  

⚡️ Download my favourite marketing & sales scripts to win clients online here


Content & launch wizard, business coach, podcaster & your new teacher

Combining my love of writing and degree in marketing, my services are designed specifically to support businesses (like yours) with their online strategy and content must-haves


The Bolt Framework

Create 1 month of content in just 5 easy steps!