I’m really excited for today’s episode because the topic is one that you asked for – which is always my favourite kind of content to create.
Today’s topic is – From Free Content to Paying Clients.
Because I see you. You feel like you’re creating ENDLESS amounts of content but it’s not getting what you really want – and that’s more MORE CLIENTS.
Oh and on top of that, there’s ALWAYS a hot new content trend that you MUST TRY.
So it feels like you’re forever creating content, but it’s not really cutting through the noise and reaching your soulmate clients.
It’s totally not surprising to me that after all of this, you’re ready to throw your hands in the air and say “fuck this”.
But before you swear off content creation for life…I got you.
Because you’ll always need to create content in your business. That’s how you communicate to your community that they need you (and your products or services) in their life.
Which is why I’m going to drop a few C bombs in today’s episode. Not that C bomb.
The 5 C’s of Client Converting Content.
Can you see what I did there – I’m proud of me too!
So if you’re ready to turn your free content into paying clients – let’s begin.
Customer Journey
Every person that comes into contact with your business goes through a journey – a decision making process that takes them from potential client to paying client.
You also go through this process when you’re making purchase decisions – you just might not be aware of it!
Content is what helps you take them from potential client to paying client. It gives them the information they need to make their decision.
Which is why you need to create content that meets them where they’re at on their journey. For example they might’ve just followed you or they might be a long time follower. Your content helps you to showcase why you and your offer is the right fit for them.
The customer journey is not always linear and everyone’s on their own unique journey.
I see a lot of people get caught up in the “get new followers” stage that they neglect people that are actually closer to purchasing from them.
Nurturing warm leads is just as important as getting new leads.
So while Reels are great for attracting new followers – email nurture sequences, voice memos, masterclasses, challenges are also examples of free client converting content.
So what does this look like practically for your business?
Think about your customer journey – from the first moment someone meets you and your business.
I find it helpful to map this out – use an A3 visual planner or diary and some colourful textas to make it a little fun.
Answer these questions:
- What are the customer touchpoints in your business?
- What content are you creating and which channels are you sharing it on?
- What are the steps a potential client would take to get them to hit that buy now button?
- Are you giving them enough information along the way or are they dropping off at a certain point.
Take a look at the big picture and walk through the journey as if YOU were a potential client.
Which flows on nicely to my next c-bomb…
When it comes to creating content that converts into clients – it’s better to be clear than clever.
Because confused customers don’t take action and action = sales.
Your content needs to give your audience clear direction and a clear call to action.
When you’re creating content you should ALWAYS consider – what’s the next step you want them to take from this piece of content? Is it to engage with the content, to book a call, to buy now?
Actions that move them forward in their customer journey.
I don’t know about you – but I like being told what to do. I like being clear on what my next steps should be.
And if it’s not clear what’s next, I’m going to close that tab and take no action.
Harsh? Perhaps. But the reality is that there’s a shitload of content competing for your attention.
Make it easy for your people to buy from you.
So what does this look like practically for your business?
Some questions to consider – that lead on nicely from the customer journey piece:
- Is it easy for people to find out more information or how to work with you?
- In your last 12 Instagram posts – did you include a clear call to action?
- How many clicks or touch points does it take for someone to pay you?
Make it clear for your potential clients what you want them to do next after they consume your content.
Ok the next C of client converting content is…
Are you sold on your offer?
No, but are you really?
Do you believe in what you’re selling?
And can you confidently communicate to your community (through your content) why they need your offer in their life?
Your content needs to speak to the benefits of your offer – not just the features – but the “what’s-in-it-for-me” details (and by me, I’m talking about your community).
To be honest, no one gives a shit about the features of your offer. And I see so many people make the mistake of simply reciting the features over and over again in their content. It’s not surprising that this doesn’t result in sales.
Your community actually want to know
- That you understand how they’re feeling right now
- How your offer makes their life (and business) better
- What their life and business will look like after working with you (aka the transformation)
Don’t waste prime retail space in your content listing the features – that’s what your sales page is for or some Instagram stories graphics.
And prepare yourself, because this next statement might be hard to hear – but you also need to have confidence in YOURSELF.
Yes! Having the SELF BELIEF that YOU are the person who can support them to get from where they are now to where they want to be.
Because if YOU don’t have the confidence in your offer or yourself – why should they?
They’re making an investment in you, so you have to believe in yourself.
Onto the next C of client converting content and that’s…
One of the most surprisingly forgotten pieces of the client converting content pie is that your offers and your content is for humans.
And humans live for connection.
Me personally – I’m more of a dog person but my favourite businesses and the humans that I’ve invested in – are people I know, like and trust.
And they make me feel like I matter.
Content shouldn’t be a one-way conversation. You can’t publish content and then close your laptop and pour yourself a glass of wine and expect millions of dollars to come rolling in from one piece of content without ever having a conversation.
It’s more than just hitting post. You need to cultivate the connections with your community.
Now here’s a revolutionary concept – but social media is called SOCIAL media for a reason.
Talk TO your community not AT them. Ask them questions, get to know them, send them pictures of your dog.
It’s these connections that’ll help you create content that cuts through the noise and speaks to their soul. Not generic muggle-worthy content.
Never forget that there is a human on the other side of your content that you’re creating – so get to know them and create content for them.
And the final C of client converting content is…
The secret to client converting content is consistency.
Please don’t come at me – but for some reason the word consistency seems to be one of the most hated words online.
But when people ask me what my secret is to creating content that connects and converts – it’s consistency.
It means:
- Consistently being visible
- Consistently sharing content
- Consistently connecting with your community
- Consistently showing up and sharing your Dumbledore-level knowledge
- Consistently selling your offers
Too often people mistake consistency with frequency. So they post 7 days a week for a couple of weeks, end up hating it, stop sharing content for a month and then wonder why they don’t have clients banging down their door wanting to work with them.
Not every single piece of content will result in clients – but you gotta be in the game to even be considered.
So there you have it – The 5 C’s of Client Converting Content.
I’d love for you to take some time to map these out for your unique business!
And once you’ve done that and are ready to create your own client converting content – you can sign up for The Client Converting Challenge
In this FREE challenge, I’m sharing the 3 types of client converting content that you can use on repeat in your business.
Content that stands out AND attracts aligned, soulmate clients.
Content that I use in MY business.
So if you want to learn what really goes into content that converts into clients – the kind that leads your community to say “I NEED you in my life” you can sign up here
We start on Tuesday 15th February (which is also Ned’s birthday yay!). I haven’t run a challenge for a little while, so I’m super excited to connect with you there!
Want More?
Sign up for The Client Converting Challenge at here
Join the waitlist for the School of Content Wizardry here
Instagram: @thesocialbolt
Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here
Get my DIY Content Wizard Bundle to help you with strategic content creation for your heart led business here