5 ways to make 2023 easier (and generate more cash)

The Biggest Sales Page Mistake That Is Killing Your Conversions

The humble sales page is a powerful tool that helps businesses market and sell their offers. Yet some online “gurus” will try to tell you that sales pages are dead. I disagree completely – the sales page is NOT dead…


Online business has changed. Consumers and how they make their purchase decisions have changed. Yet, people are still writing sales pages the exact same way and expecting better results.

The sales page isn’t dead, but how you’re writing them should be! 


In this episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I’m going to tell you:

  1. Why you still need a sales page 
  2. How you can avoid making the most common mistakes that I’ve witnessed from reviewing hundreds of sales pages over the last 4 years

Because when you know how to write a sales page – you’re unlocking a sales-generating asset in your business (and who doesn’t want to make sales on repeat?!)


3 reasons you need a sales page to sell your offer


Because I feel like some of these online gurus are doing my friend Sally Sales Page pretty dirty, I’m going to stick up for her.

1. It communicates to your ideal client or customer why they need to buy your offer

That in itself is enough reason to need one! On the one page, you have all the information your ideal client or customer needs to make a purchase decision – including your key selling points and differentiation from your competitors. Where else can you put all that essential information in one place which is easily accessible to your dream clients and helps convert them into paying clients? 


2. They qualify the right people and repel the people who aren’t a fit

You’re saving your time going back and forth in the DM’s or being ghosted on sales calls by having a sales page that acts as a filter for non-ideal clients. It should make it super fucking obvious who your offer is for. When I read one I want to feel like that person is speaking directly to me and that I’m 10000% confident I’m in the right place.


3. It does the selling heavy lifting for you

Your sales page isn’t something you need to constantly re-write all the time. Once it’s done, it’s an asset in your business – like having a salesperson who you don’t have to pay but is generating sales for you. A lot of the gurus will tell you that they made bucket loads of money without sales pages – but how much time and energy did they spend creating content and showing up on social media? Time spent vs impact and income out – I know which I choose! 


I could happily continue with reasons you need a sales page but that would be boring right?! And I know you want the juicy stuff and to know if you’re committing the most common sales pages sin…

The Biggest Mistake You're Making with Your Sales Pages

The biggest sales page sin: using a copy & paste template

Many people in the online space are always searching for a “quick hack” or a “quick fix”. Basically, they want a shortcut to business success. I hate to be the bearer of bad news – but there are no silver-bullet solutions here.

Over the last 4 years, I’ve witnessed people looking for shortcuts to writing sales pages that also generate 6-figures. To the point, it’s become an oversimplified copy + paste template. 

It’s no secret, I’m not the biggest fan of copy + paste templates, because what happens is, the more people copy + paste these templates and share them online, the less authentic content that’s out there. This leads to a problem we’re seeing – where everyone sounds like everyone else!

Using a template won’t help you speak to your ideal customer

You’re following a prescribed flow with a sales page template because you want to save time right?! BUT you’re forgetting the most important thing when you’re creating it – WHO YOU’RE CREATING IT FOR.

Your focus on saving you time is making you forget the purpose of your sales page – to communicate to your ideal client or customer why they need your offer (and you) in their life. You’re taking the prescribed “things to include” and completely ignoring what your ideal client or customer needs to see on that page to turn them into a heck yes buyer! 

Sales page templates are cold, impersonal and boring AF

When everyone seems to follow the same template and use the same headings – it just becomes white noise to the person reading it. They’ve seen it all before, on every single sales page. Subconsciously they’re just scrolling straight to how much it costs without really taking in the essential information they need to make an informed purchase decision. 

So if your price isn’t right for them – you’re reducing the likelihood of turning them into a yes. And in a competitive online space – you need to be making the most of your marketing efforts. You see sales pages as a tick on your to-do list – if you share what your offer is, what’s included, the price and a couple of testimonials, that’s enough right? 

Think of your sales page as a love letter to your ideal customer

You want to make them feel so seen, so heard and so understood, that they are SO excited to buy from you. And they do it on repeat. At the end of the day your business exists to serve them – so instead of looking for a shortcut to success, refocus on your ideal client or customer and write your sales page for them.

The Biggest Sales Page Mistake That's Killing Your Conversions

Free training: 3 essential elements of a sales page that stands out and sells out

Sign up for my FREE masterclass,

How to write a sales page in 2023

on Tuesday 1st August at 12.30pm AWST.

If you want to turn your sales page into a sales-generating machine that attracts dream clients on repeat – you should 100% sign up. There will be a replay, but you gotta sign up to get it.

I would love to have you there with me!

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Content & launch wizard, business coach, podcaster & your new teacher

Combining my love of writing and degree in marketing, my services are designed specifically to support businesses (like yours) with their online strategy and content must-haves


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