5 ways to make 2023 easier (and generate more cash)

Why You’re Missing The Point When It Comes to Social Media

I want to have a chat about something that I often work on with my clients and the wizards in the School of Content Wizardry.

And that’s selling on social media.

I often find that people are scared to share their products and services on social media out of fear of coming across as too salesy…

But let me ask you a question…

When you started your business…did you want to make money from it?


If you didn’t…cool…carry on as you were.

But if you did, I want you to know that selling is a very very important part of being in business.

And talking about your offers on social media doesn’t make you salesy or sleazy.⁠

Of course there’s a fine line between too much promotion…and if all you do is promote your services…and you do it in a way that constantly pushes the sale “coz it’s the best service eva” then yes that’s gross and please stop.⁠

But a successful social media strategy INCLUDES promotional posts.

You don’t need to shy away from talking about your offers…

And you can do it more than once in a blue moon!

Which is why I wanted to share 5 tips to help you get comfortable selling on social media because you deserve to be paid for what you do.


There is more than one way to sell on social media

Your content can be promotional without being in your face “BUY MY OFFER”

And what I mean by this is you can create different types of posts that all promote your offers without you having to say – “This is my offer. This is how much it is. Buy Now.”

Examples of this includes:
? Testimonials
? Reviews
? Tutorials
? Behind the scenes content
? Before & after transformations

There are so many different ways to sell on social media.


Flip your view of selling to serving

Instead of worrying about coming across as salesy or sleazy…

I first want to say that if you’re the type of person who’s worried about this, I already KNOW that you won’t be salesy or sleazy because of the fact that you’re worried about it.

So let’s flip your view of selling to – instead of being gross it’s now an act of service.

You’re serving your community by sharing your offers with them.  You have something that can help them – why wouldn’t you want to tell them about it?  Think of the people you could help if you showed up and shared your offers with them.

Keep them in mind when you’re creating your social media content.

And on that note…tip number 3 is to…

Get to know your ideal client / customer like they’re your bestie

The key to selling on socials (and creating any content for that matter) is to know your ideal client / customer better than they know themselves.

I’d argue that your ability to make them feel seen, acknowledged and supported is THE most important part of creating content on any platform.

It’s about knowing their struggles & desires.

And presenting a solution (your offer) that gets them from A (struggles) to B (desires)

Every single piece of content you create is for them so you gotta get to know them!

Which leads me to tip 4…

The way you make sales on social media is by…

Gaining Trust & Building Relationships

The reality is that some people just aren’t ready to buy from you.

They might’ve just followed you and are a completely cold audience.

You need to build trust so they’ll want to buy from you.

Think about social media as a conversation starter. It’s where your community suss you out – they get to know more about you.

The more they get to know you…the more they’ll trust you…and the faster they’ll be ready to buy from you.

To get them to this point of trust…you have to show up for your community…not just when you’ve got something to sell.

And onto my final tip…it’s a bit of a reality check for you…

As humans we need to see a message multiple times for it to sink in and get us to take action

In fact statistically we need to hear a message on average 14-21 times MINIMUM for it to absorb.

And on top of that not everyone will see that one post about your magic new service…

Shock horror I know!

Remember back when the IG feed was chronological and your posts got in front of your peeps without you having to do much?

Well now one single post is going to disappear quickly into the black hole that is social media – because think about how much content is out there right now.

And the person consuming your content might be distracted or interrupted while making their purchase decision.

I’m one of those people who sees a post or an email and intends to buy…but next minute Ned is spewing on my carpet (true story) and I forget about it. ⁠

Sometimes life gets in the way and we forget things – so we often need reminders.

The other thing to consider is that some people just take a little bit longer than others to make a decision to purchase⁠.

Not everyone is an impulse buyer.

So you’re doing a disservice to your potential customers and clients by only posting about your offers once because you’re worried you’re being annoying.

And I know that talking about your offer can sometimes feel like you’re repeating yourself and no one is listening but every single launch for the School of Content Wizardry I have people telling me on the last day that they’ve only just heard about it.

So instead of thinking you’re being annoying by asking for the sale…

You’re actually helping them make the decision that’s right for them.

Don’t be discouraged if your next post doesn’t make you a millionaire overnight ?⁠

Keep telling people about your magic – so when the time is right, they’re ready ⚡️⁠

So there you have it – my 5 tips to help you get comfortable selling on social media.


Join My Free Masterclass
How to Write a Sales Generating Post

And if you’re wanting to get even more comfortable selling on social media. I invite you to join me for my FREE Masterclass – How to Write A Sales Generating Post.

Where I’ll be teaching you…well how to write a sales generating post. Because it’s one thing to know you need to use social media to make sales…but exactly HOW you craft a post that does this is another.

I’m running the masterclass on Thursday 10th June at 9.30am Australian Western Standard Time.

You can sign up here


Want More?

✨ Instagram: @thesocialbolt
✨ Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here
✨ Get my DIY Content Wizard Bundle to help you with strategic content creation for your heart led business
✨ Join the waitlist for the next round of the School of Content Wizardry here


Content & launch wizard, business coach, podcaster & your new teacher

Combining my love of writing and degree in marketing, my services are designed specifically to support businesses (like yours) with their online strategy and content must-haves


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