Now, I hope you’re buckled in because we’re headed straight into the storm that is Black Friday, Cyber Monday, End of 2022 – it’s the silly selling season!
This is one of my favourite times of the year to sell.
Don’t believe the stories that you can’t sell right now because everyone else is or that no one is buying right now – because those stories don’t serve you.
So in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I want to share 3 smart launch strategies that are working right now and my advice for you if you’re preparing to sell the shit out of your offers during this season.
As a marketer I also love this time of year for observing how businesses sell and the offers they choose to put out into the world. I can never just switch off that part of my brain and I love to pour over sales pages, launch emails and all sorts of promotional material.
And this episode is basically a summary of observations from my marketing brain working 24/7 #yourewelcome
So let’s begin!
Smart launch strategy #1 – For Low Ticket Offers
So a low ticket offer is something that sits on the lower end of the price point scale.
It delivers a quick win for you – in terms of time to create and cash flow.
And it also delivers a quick win for your ideal clients who sign up for your low ticket offer – in terms of time to learn and implement, and of course the price point.
A low ticket offer shouldn’t be over complicated or stuffed to the brim with all the bells and whistles. This is an offer that teaches your ideal client the basics and gets them excited about learning more for you.
It’s often the first purchase experience they have with you and your business, so you want to make sure it’s something that’s extra juicy and keeps them coming back to you.
You can use your low ticket offer to take them from a one-time purchaser to someone who wants to invest in your higher-ticket offerings.
And because retaining a customer is significantly lower than finding a new one – it’s really a no brainer right?!
In my business, I know that when someone buys my DIY Content Wizard Bundle – they often go on to purchase one of my programs or work with me 1:1.
It literally pays to get this right!
So what’s working right now in terms of low ticket offers?
Well a bundle NEVER goes out of style.
The key to success with low ticket offers is to know your ideal clients well and understand what they most need support with. I mean that’s the key to the success of any of your offers really.
But it’s important to remember that your low-ticket offer should solve ONE small problem, not a whole bunch of issues – because then your ideal client might not get that quick win they really desire. So try and avoid putting everything plus the kitchen sink into your bundle.
Target it at a specific problem and give them some easy to implement tools and strategies.
An example of a low ticket offer.
So if you want to create a bundle as your low-ticket offer here are some options of what you could include:
- Checklists
- Planners
- Trackers
- Journals
- Worksheets
- Toolkits
- Calendars
- Templates
Pick 3 – 4 that support your ideal client to get a quick win with something they’re currently navigating.
My DIY Content Wizard Bundle contains:
- DIY Content Strategy
- 50 Content Ideas
- Content Calendars
- Content Repurposing Checklist
All of these help my ideal clients start to create content consistently.
Smart launch strategy #2 – For High Ticket Offers
So a high ticket offer is something that sits on the higher end of the price point scale.
It’s a premium priced offering that provides a high level of value and transformation.
It’s focused more on an overall transformation over one specific outcome, it’s usually longer in time and includes an element of you being involved in the transformation.
So if a low ticket offer represents the first step in your process, a high ticket offer is usually the entire process from start to finish.
A chance to go deeper with the information and support you give your clients.
Price points can vary, but generally, the price of these offers increases due to the value of what’s included and level of transformation that your clients will receive.
High ticket offers look different for everyone – in my business I have my online programs (the School of Content Wizardry & Become a Launch Wizard), my mastermind and my 1:1 coaching.
So what’s working right now in terms of high ticket offers?
Clever ways to package a more high-touch experience.
This looks like adding an extra element of 1:1 support with you through additional calls or Voxer / What’s App / Slack support.
I’ve found this strategy works really well when I’m launching my online programs – I always add a VIP upgrade experience for those humans who want a little more access to Ned & I.
Right now people really want intimate and personalised support, they don’t want to be part of huge groups where they pay a premium and get little to no access to you.
So how can you add that high-touch experience to your offers?
And if you’re worried about burning yourself out because of your client load – remember that these will be a higher price point (because of the high-touch) and therefore it might only take 1 VIP upgrade sale to make the same amount of money as 3 sales at the standard price. Same amount of money = less clients.
An example of a high ticket offer.
So if you want to create a VIP upgrade as your high-ticket offer there are many options for you.
The key is to think about what you can add that would support your client to get the best results.
Think about the top-shelf testimonial you want to receive from your client after working with you – what would help them get those top-level results?
When I offer a VIP upgrade for the School of Content Wizardry & Become a Launch Wizard my clients receive:
- A number of 60 minute 1:1 coaching calls with me
- Copy Review
- Voxer Support
They basically get the experience of 1:1 coaching with me – in a shorter time frame and for a lower price.
Smart launch strategy #3 – Secret Offer
If you’re not familiar with a secret offer – the premise is that it’s an offer you create for your ideal client. They purchase the offer without actually knowing exactly what the offer is.
It’s the lucky dip equivalent in the online space.
I’ve been seeing it more and more in the online space and of course thanks to my marketing brain – it got me curious.
Do people actually buy offers without knowing what it is?
I guess people get married sight unseen on various reality TV shows and signing up for a low ticket offer seems like a safer option if you ask me
I see a secret offer as a low ticket offer that is launched in a different way. It’s a bit of fun and a way to do something a little different.
So what’s working right now in terms of secret offers?
My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to launch my first secret offer as a bit of an experiment.
This is how it played out.
I created a mini-course on a topic that I KNOW my ideal clients want to learn more about (because they’ve told me) and something my current and past clients rave about.
AND that would ALSO be super easy for me to create.
If you haven’t guessed – the mini-course is on repurposing content and it’s called Your Content Doubling Spell.
When I launched it a couple of weeks ago all I shared was:
- Here’s my secret offer (I didn’t tell them the name)
- Here’s a clue about what it is (I called them Tom Riddles IYKYK)
- Those on my close friends list on Instagram got an extended clue
- This is the special launch price
And that’s it.
Over a week I shared 3 Tom Riddles (aka clues) and each time I revealed a new clue, the price of the secret offer went up.
From $49
To $99
To $149
And now it’s available for people to buy at any time for $199. I’ve created another low-ticket digital product which is a sales-generating asset in my business.
AND I had a fuckload of fun creating and launching it.
The most important things to remember with a secret offer is:
- Keep it simple – I had a Thrivecart payment link and used Canva graphics to sell on Instagram Stories. I also sent a couple of emails.
- Be clear on the process and really spell it out for your community so they’re also clear on the process
- Don’t expect it to generate 5 or 6-figures straight out the gate (For reference I made just over $600 from this secret offer launch). People often think low-ticket means super easy money – but that’s not always the case.
- You need to have some level of community engagement already before you launch a secret offer. To have existing trust with your community because they’re literally buying an offer without knowing what it is. So if they don’t trust you – you won’t make sales. Just because it’s a low ticket offer doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed sales either.
- For the love of dogs, have fun!
An example of a secret offer.
Now there’s many different variations of a secret offer:
- Mini-course
- Bundle
- Masterclass
It’s similar to a low-ticket offer – the magic comes from the sales process.
So there’s 3 smart launch strategies and I want to share…
My advice for launching during the silly selling season
Because this time of year can get a little cray-cray for business owners – you’re trying to launch, sell, create content and do all the things so you can take some time off right?!
So these are some really helpful reminders to support you during this time.
- There is a lot of content out there already. It’s about to go up a notch or 50 — so you gotta keep showing up and selling your shit. If you don’t put yourself in the game, how the heck do you expect your ideal clients and customers to find you.
- People will unsubscribe and unfollow you – don’t focus on them, they’re not your ideal client and were probably never going to buy from you anyway. Don’t make it mean anything about you or your offer or that you should stop selling.
- YOUR MESSAGING MATTERS. You can’t simply share the features of your offer again and again. Nobody cares if your offer has weekly calls or a private FB group or unlimited Voxer support. They care about how it makes them feel, how it helps them to get to where they want to go, what their life or biz will look like after. So make it crystal clear why people should give a shit about your offer.
Keep showing up and sharing your magic!
So there you have it – 3 smart launch strategies working right now and my advice for navigating the silly selling season.
And so the silly selling season begins – Black Friday is here
This also marks the beginning of my very magical Black Friday offers. It’s that time of the year where I open up my wizard trunk and give you access to some of my favourite biz wizard spells!
In fact I’ve created your one-stop-shop for everything business + content + launching – it’s your complete roadmap for marketing online.
My online programs The School of Content Wizardry and Become a Launch Wizard are on sale now.
You can buy them separately or in a bundle – so if you’ve been on the waitlist or eyeing these off each time I launch them – this is the time to buy.
There’s also a special 1:1 Biz Wizard Coaching Gift Pack if you want to experience 1:1 coaching with Ned + I in 2023.
I can’t wait to see which gift you give yourself + your business.
Click here to unlock access to my magical Black Friday offers. I can’t wait to create magic with you.
Want More?
Find out more about the Biz Wizard Coaching Series here
Instagram: @thesocialbolt
Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here
Get my DIY Content Wizard Bundle to help you with strategic content creation for your heart led business here