Want my top social media tips you should keep in mind when creating content? Of course you do…but first why is social media essential for your small business? Well I consider social media to be my version of the Yellow Pages. I almost always jump on social media to check out a business before I buy from them. I mean, how will I know what to eat for lunch if I don’t take a quick squiz at the Insta page of the new cafe I am checking out?!
But seriously…
☆ There are 3.4 BILLION social media users out there, and this is always growing, except for my Mum who swears she will NEVER get social media
☆ It is free and accessible for small businesses, unlike other marketing channels = WINNING
☆ It allows you to reach, connect, engage and understand your audience in REAL time = GOLD
The task of creating content for social media often falls to the business owner who no doubt has a to-do list that is so freaking long that they get overwhelmed and have no idea where the fork to start! But here’s the thing, creating content for social media doesn’t have to be difficult.
When people ask me for my top social media tips, here is what I tell them:
1. Start with a strategy:
Do you want to simplify your social media? Well I have a hot tip for you – It all begins with a social media strategy. I know what you’re thinking….a strategy doesn’t sound simple. BUT without a strategy you lack direction. What exactly are your goals and how are you going to use social media to help you achieve these goals? You need to be clear on exactly what to post, when to post it and why you’re posting it otherwise you are doing all this work for no reward – and ain’t nobody got time for that! Do you think Harry & Ron would’ve found and destroyed all the Horcruxes (and not die!) if it wasn’t for Hermione? I think not. Hermione gave them a clear plan and strategy to achieve this together. What is the point of posting on social media if it’s not helping you reach your ideal client, connect with them and ultimately get them to buy from you?! A strategy can help you do this!
My Content Strategy will map out how you can create content in a strategic and simplified way across multiple marketing channels.
2. Consistency is key.
Show up consistently, create valuable content consistently, engage consistently and you will consistently grow your following. Get it? Got it? Good! You can’t expect to just show up and post when you need to sell something and people will start throwing money at you. With consistency comes trust and credibility.
3. Be Yourself
This has been one of the biggest lessons I have learnt in business so far. I’m not going to lie. Sometimes I worry too much about what other people think about me. Will they like what I post, do they think I charge too much, do they think I am an idiot…and so on. But honestly this does not matter at all. Fuck pretending to be someone you’re not. No one is YOU and that is your magic. How do you expect your audience to authentically connect with you if you’re not being true to yourself? Not everyone will like you or want to work with you and that is perfectly fine. Your people are out there and they love what you do, so stop pretending to be someone you are not.
4. Make social media work for you.
Social media is meant to be fun, and if it isn’t…make it. Surrounding yourself with people who are good for your mental health applies to your social media too. At the end of the day YOU choose who you follow and engage with. If you aren’t inspired by your social media feed, then change it. I am selective with my friendships in real life, and I apply that to my social media friends too. Only those who inspire, educate and motivate me, make the cut. You also have the power to run your social media the way you want to. You can post when you want, about what you want, how you want. It’s up to you. FACT. Just remember to always think about what will add VALUE to your ideal customer. If you always think about how you can serve them, then you will never be wrong.
If you do need some help coming up with content ideas, download The Bolt Framework to get you started.
5. The world will not end if you don’t post today.
Seriously it won’t. If you are too busy, don’t know what to post, forget or don’t want to post, that is ok. It’s better not to post than post for the sake of posting. Your followers will not abandon you (and if they do they they weren’t your ideal customer anyway) and the word will keep rotating. Shocking I know! Showing up on social media doesn’t just mean posting to your feed either. You can still engage with your followers, follow new accounts and show up on stories. Don’t spend too much time obsessing over social media because honestly there are more important things than social media.
There are millions of social media tips for small businesses out there…it can be overwhelming AF, but at the end of the day YOU DO YOU. Make it work for you and have some fun!