And so here we are… It’s August…
Another year is flying right past us – I mean, wasn’t it only January 5 minutes ago?
There’s still plenty of time to create incredible magic in your business, though – I’d even go as far as to say it’s the best time of the year to make shit happen.
So, in this episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I want to share a couple of quick launch reminders to help set you up for success and a whole lot of magic for the rest of the year.
If you’re planning a launch before the end of the year – this is for you.
It’s what you do NOW that sets you up to make sales in the future
You might think I’m getting ahead of myself talking about the end of the year already – but may I remind you it’s already August. So it’s not actually that crazy to be thinking about it NOW.
As the saying goes, the seeds you plant today determine the harvest you reap tomorrow.
If you want to have a successful launch in the next 2-4 months, it’s what you do now that counts!
Every single year I see business owners rush their launches, make reactive decisions, and put themselves under immense pressure because they haven’t taken a moment to think big picture and create a plan.
So this is your launch reminder if you’re planning a launch in the second half of the year – you need to be planting (and planning) your seeds NOW!
Make it clear to your dream clients why they need YOU in their life
In the second half of the year, don’t sit back and hope your dream clients find you.
It’s up to YOU to clearly and confidently position yourself and your offer as the ONLY solution to the problem your dream clients want to solve.
You do this through your micro-messaging.
There are some things you need to be clear on BEFORE you launch – including:
- What problem does your offer solve?
- Do your dream clients for said offer know that they have a problem (meaning are they problem-aware)?
- If they are problem-aware – are they aware there is a solution to their problem?
- Are they searching for a solution right now?
- Are they ready to pay money for the solution?
- Do they know YOU exist?
If you want your dream clients to buy your offer when you launch it…
You need to know all of this BEFORE you decide what action to take next – before you create content, before you run your free masterclass, before you sell your offer.
There are specific micro-messages your dream clients need to hear right now if you want them to buy from you when you launch. Because you can’t just wave a magic wand and attract dream clients.
Don’t put all of your focus on top-of-funnel marketing
A big mistake many business owners make is only creating top-of-funnel content.
The purpose of top-of-funnel marketing is to attract and engage potential customers at the very beginning of their buyer’s journey. It’s all about grabbing attention, creating awareness, and generating interest among a broad audience.
This is the kinda content that grows your following and gets the engagement – in other words, it’s good for the ego. It fulfils your desire as a human to be liked and accepted.
BUT likes and followers don’t pay the bills, so if you only focus on top-of-funnel marketing you’ll have an audience filled with people who might like you but won’t buy from you.
You need to create content that not only captures attention, but then also nurtures those potential clients so they can buy from you.
Not everyone who follows you or engages with your content is ready to buy from you – but it’s up to you to give them the information required for them to make a purchase decision.
And let me give it to you straight – middle- and bottom-of-funnel content often won’t get the same kinda engagement as top-of-funnel content. But would you rather engagement or sales?
So, with that said – what content are you creating right now and for the rest of the year to nurture those people so they’re ready to buy when you do launch?
If you want people to buy from you – you need to show up for them now
Not at the start of your launch when you’re trying to sell your offer.
The best time to start showing up for your audience is NOW.
As I said – your ideal client might not be problem aware, they might not know there is a solution to their problem, and they might not know you exist.
You need to build awareness over time.
Consistency is everything in business – consistent messaging, consistent marketing, and consistently showing up.
This is what leads to consistent sales.
The online space is already noisy, and it goes to a whole nother level in the second half of the year – so if you wait until your launch to start showing up and building that awareness, you run the risk of being drowned out by all the other businesses showing up and selling their offers.
If you haven’t been showing up, sharing content, nurturing your community, having conversations, and selling your offers – this is your launch reminder to start.
You don’t have to go from 0 to 100 in 1 day, but you do have to build and maintain a consistent presence.
Sign up for a Biz Wizard Intensive
If you want my support to help you map out your complete strategy, micro-messaging, and marketing roadmap for your core offer – my Biz Wizard Intensive is for you.
This is 6 weeks of 1:1 DONE WITH YOU mentoring to create a clear roadmap to eternal glory, aka attracting Beyonce-level clients on repeat.
The best part is you’re creating a repeatable process that you can use again and again. The time you invest in getting this framework right – means you’re never starting from zero, which saves you time, money, and a whole heap of stress.
There are limited spots available, so if you want to make one yours – click here to find out more, or send me a DM over on Instagram and I’ll send you the details.
I can’t wait to create magic with you!
Want More?
⚡️ Instagram: @thesocialbolt
⚡️ Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here
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