I’m sure you’ve heard it before – if you want to create a connection with your ideal client or customer you need to tell your story. Heck, if you’re a long time listener of this podcast or you’ve come to any of my masterclasses – you’ll know this is something I speak about a lot.
And one of the most common objections I hear when it comes to sharing your story is – “but Tahryn, I’m not that interesting.” or “I don’t have a rags to riches story.” Firstly – same! I’m a basic bitch from way back.
In fact, I always joke with my coach – “imagine if everyone knew how boring I am”. My idea of a good time is staying home with my dog and doing abso-fuckin-lutely nothing. I totally hear you on that, but this episode podcast is going to blow up the notion that you need a rags to riches story to share your story.
What is a “rags to riches” story?
Basically, it’s the “I started from the bottom and now I’m at the top” trope. If you’re like me and you grew up watching a lot of reality TV or competition-style shows like Australian Idol or Big Brother you’ll know the “rags to riches” storyline is something that’s often front and centre when they’re introducing contestants and players to the audience. It’s a way for the audience to get to know them, feel connected to them and ultimately want to support them. And often those with the “rags to riches” story would go on to win these competitions.
The “rags to riches” narrative also happens in the online business space
I’m sure you can think of some examples.
Things like:
- I started my business with $20 in the bank and now I have $20 million
- I went from $50,000 in debt to signing a $50,000 client
- I went from broke to making bank in the space of 12 months
…It’s the same storyline, simply in different variations.
It’s not surprising that we have this ongoing belief that we need to have this type of story, otherwise, we won’t be successful. If we don’t have this type of story, then our story isn’t good enough to share. How’s that for conditioning?
Everyone has a story worth telling
Recently, I went and saw the Barbie Movie (yes, I loved it if you’re wondering) and America Ferrera’s character Gloria, had an amazing monologue. It really resonates with me and this topic and I want to share part of it. It nails what I want to say to you if you’ve ever thought “I’m not that interesting” or “My story isn’t good enough to share”.
*Barbie movie spoiler alert – don’t read on if you hate spoilers!
Gloria says to Barbie…
“You are so beautiful and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow, we’re always doing it wrong?”
Gloria goes on to say…
“I’m just so tired of watching myself, and every single other woman tie herself into knots, so that people will like us.”
A-fucking-men Gloria! I want you to really hear me when I say… EVERYONE (yes, even you!) has a story worth telling.
Being humble won’t help your business stand out
There’s always someone out there who needs to hear your story – no matter how basic or boring you think it is. This is coming from a really humble introvert (so I get it!) – but here’s a little tough love for you. If you don’t think you’re different and unique and you don’t truly own it… You won’t market yourself in a way that’s different and unique… And you’ll end up blending into the sea of same sameness in the online space (which you don’t want!).
And ultimately – don’t be surprised if you don’t attract Beyonce-level clients consistently. At the end of the day – your story is what makes you different to everyone else who is in the same industry as you, who does the same thing you do, or offers the same service or product as you.
Yes! You are special.
Yes! You are different.
Yes! You have unique magic to share with your community.
If you want to stand out online and attract clients who pay on repeat, show up for themselves and get great results… For the love of dogs STOP BEING HUMBLE! Own your story and your thoughts and perspectives and share them loudly and proudly in your messaging and marketing.
How to identify and use your story in your brand messaging to connect with your clients
1. Define your story
Firstly, get clear on what “your story” actually is.
What are the different points in your life that have shaped you to be the person you are right now? It doesn’t always have to be a bad experience either!
It can be things that your community finds:
- Inspirational
- Aspirational
- Motivating
- Character building
- Relatable
- Entertaining
The purpose of sharing your story is to build moments of connection between you and your community.
Think about the moments in your life where:
- You did something that wasn’t expected of you
- You learnt a valuable lesson (even if it was a hard one)
- You overcame something in your way
- You met someone who made you believe in yourself
- You had someone tell you that you couldn’t do something (even though you wanted to)
- You met someone who had a big impact on your life
What were the pivotal moments (or people) along the journey to get you where you are today?
2. Relate your story back to your ideal customer
You always want to make sure you relate your story back to your clients – they’re the people you’re in business to serve and who ultimately have a say in whether your business is successful or not. When your story resonates with your community it helps them to get to know you, feel connected to you and ultimately want to support you (a.k.a buy from you).
Out of the moments you’ve brainstormed that make up your story:
- Which are relevant and relatable to your community?
- What can they learn from your story and apply it to their life or business?
- Where are there links between where you were and where they are now?
- What’s something you wish you’d known if roles were reversed and you were in their current situation
Your goal is to find those moments of connection between you and your ideal client that you can share throughout your copy and content. At the end of the day, we’re human and we want to know that we’re not alone in what we’re currently experiencing. There’s someone else who truly gets us.
You want to make your ideal client or customer feel deeply seen, heard and understood and it’s your story and the overlapping themes and experiences that help you do that. The next time you tell yourself that you can’t share your story because you don’t have a “rags to riches” story or you don’t feel like you’re that interesting – I want you to remember that…
Your story is enough.
Your story is powerful.
And there’s someone out there waiting to hear it from you, so share the shit out of it!
2 ways to work with me and discover your own unique and powerful story
Option 1:
If you live in Perth and you want to spend half a day with me (yes, I’m leaving my house) – I’m running my very first (and could be last) in-person event – Messaging Worth Thousands.
This is a small group in-person mastermind experience to review, refine and revitalise your marketing messaging with one swish and flick of your wand.
It’s on Thursday 14th September. There are only 10 tickets available.
Grab your ticket here.
Option 2:
If you want my support for a little longer, and a lot more high-touch – I currently have TWO spots available for 1:1 business coaching.
This is for you if you want to build an in-demand business that showcases your unique blend of magic and that feels fucking good.
It’s not your average business coaching series as it includes 5 hours a month of done-for-you copy + content (yes I do that for you!).
If you want me to be your business coach AND copy wizard – tap your wand here.
I can’t wait to support you in creating incredible magic in your business!
Want More?
⚡️ Instagram: @thesocialbolt
⚡️ Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here
⚡️ Get my DIY Content Wizard Bundle to help you with strategic content creation for your heart led business here