Repurposing your content will be a serious game changer for you and your business. As the saying goes, once you start repurposing your content, you won’t go back.
Now you might feel some resistance around repurposing your content at first. The resistance might be because you’re afraid of people judging you and thinking that you have nothing else to say, so you have to resort to repeating yourself.
But let me ask you a question….
Do you think Disney cared about what people thought when they repackaged and repurposed thousands of their television episodes and movies into Disney+ and in doing so created a handy little additional revenue stream?
Do you think Disney minds if your kid watches Frozen for the millionth time?
Disney isn’t worried.
This is their bread and butter, their M.O, their money maker, and it also makes total sense from a business perspective.
If you need a little more convincing why repurposing your content is a game changer, I got you boo!
5 more reasons why you need to start repurposing your content STAT:
1. Consistency, consistency, consistency!
By communicating the same message across multiple marketing channels, simply repurposed into different forms of content, it will help you achieve a consistent message in your content, and as you know, consistency is key to building your audience!
2. To establish yourself as an expert
By reiterating your zone of genius in different ways, it highlights your knowledge and expertise in that topic, helping you to build your authority. You are educating your audience and giving them a glimpse into the value that ultimately you can provide them with.
3. To increase your audience reach
Your audience is always changing and they are also at different stages of their buyer journey with you. You want to get your best piece of content in front of as many people as possible so that you are converting them from the awareness stage to the decision stage of their buyer journey.
4. To improve your SEO
The Google Gods will bow down to you as a credible source of information if you have a bucketload of quality content on your site. You are letting them know you are a go-to fountain of knowledge on all things relating to your superpower.
5. The Customer Experience
In the age of information, customers need at least 7 interactions or touch points with your business before they will part with their hard earned money. Make those interactions count and serve them your top shelf content. Hit them with so much value that their only option is to buy what you are selling!
To help you start repurposing your content, I have created a checklist for you that shows you how to repurpose your content using your best performing social media posts so that it’s super simple for you to repurpose, repackage and recycle your magic content! Get The Content Wizard Checklist here.
By repurposing your content you are getting the most value from every single piece of content you create. Good content is good content and it would be a waste to spend so much time crafting one piece of content and letting it disappear into the black hole of the internet. By strategically repurposing content across multiple channels you are establishing a strong online presence, raising brand awareness and building your audience so that you can attract more customers.
NOW is the time to start working smarter not harder and REPURPOSE YOUR CONTENT. It’s not about you, it’s about the value that your magic content can provide your audience. In the wise words of Elsa…Let it gooooooooooooo. The repurpose (and the cold) never bothered me anyway, and you shouldn’t let it bother you either.
PS. If you still need a little more convincing before you jump on the Repurposing Your Content Bandwagon, check out My Social Media Content Challenge blog post for some straight up stats!