Welcome back to Messaging on the Mic!
This is the 3rd instalment of this 4-week mini-series inside the How I Do Content Podcast.
If you haven’t listened to Volume 1 and Volume 2 already – go check them out right now.
In Volume 1, I reviewed the messaging of an Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant. And, in Volume 2, I reviewed the messaging of a Fertility Awareness Teacher.
Now for the next Messaging on the Mic wizard…
Messaging on the Mic: My Recommendations for a Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant
I want to take a moment to appreciate all of the Social Media Managers and Virtual Assistants in my community.
As someone who started my business as a Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant, I have such mad respect for you – you have a tough gig sometimes!
Especially with how quickly the online space changes – there’s always a new tool or 5000 Instagram changes to keep on top of. I get pissed off with Instagram’s constant changes, so I can’t imagine how you feel – sorrows, sorrows, prayers, my friends!
Now I have a whole lot of Social Media Managers and VAs in my community, and it’s also a very in-demand industry which means your messaging is so fucking important!
So it’s a good thing I’m a messaging wizard, and I’m going to share how you can elevate your messaging to stand out online and attract Beyonce-level clients on repeat!
I’ve had a little stalky-stalk at this particular wizard’s Instagram profile to get an insight into who they are and the magic they create for their clients.
I’ve also read through their answers in their application so I can reconcile what they’re already sharing, and what they can do to elevate their messaging further.
Something they do really well is their clear + consistent aesthetic. When I go to their Instagram profile, it’s super clear who they are and how they help. Their use of infographics on Instagram stands out from a visual perspective, and it’s consistent with their branding. They also share some great value-packed content with actionable tips for their audience – which you can never go wrong with!
How they can take their messaging to the next level:
#1 The shifts are in the MICRO details
Yes, messaging is the key to standing out online winning dream clients on repeat. But NOT just any messaging…
Micro Messaging!
You could be showing up and selling “consistently”, but if your messaging isn’t personalised and relevant to your ideal client at this moment…
…And you’re not positioning yourself or your offers as ESSENTIAL…
You won’t win clients.
You’ll want to read to the end of this post (or head right there) to find out about my new FREE masterclass all about micro messaging.
The ever-increasing number of businesses in the online space means you can’t simply post the same type of content you’ve always posted.
There are some micro shifts you need to make to your messaging to ensure you’re speaking directly to YOUR ideal client, where they’re at, and what they desire instead.
The first line of this Wizard’s Instagram profile is “Instagram and Facebook marketing for busy businesses” – but here’s the thing: everyone is busy. I’ve never met a business owner who isn’t busy – so this says to me you’re for every business owner… and that’s something you definitely don’t want to do as a marketer!
Plus, ‘busy’ is one of those terms that’s been used SO MUCH (sometimes without even thinking) – so it’s kinda lost its meaning.
Instead of using terms that every other Harry, Ron & Hermione uses…
My recommendation here is to think about what YOUR ideal client desires when it comes to their social media:
- What’s their “gold medal” vision (think goals and future aspirations)?
- How do they want to use their social media?
- What do they want their social media to help them do / become / achieve?
Think about the point in the future your services help them get to – what does it look like?
Break it down and be as specific as possible.
In 2024, EVERYTHING in your messaging needs to be viewed from this micro lens – which is why micro messaging is a real theme for my recommendations for this wizard.
#2 Connect with your ideal client on a DEEP level
You want your ideal client to be slightly scared of how well you know them and what they’re thinking.
Surface-level, applies-to-everyone kinda messaging is not going to cut through the noise.
Think about all the marketing messages you’re exposed to on a daily basis, and then factor in the fact that so many people consume content during one of their mindless scroll breaks throughout the day…
Your messaging and marketing needs to be good enough to stop the scroll and get them to pay attention to what you’re saying. That’s when you have the power – so you gotta make it count!
This Wizard shares content that, yes, their ideal client needs to know about them, their services and how they can help them – but to elevate it, they need to make some micro shifts to speak directly to their ideal client.
Let me give you an example…
Instead of creating a content piece like ‘How can I grow my Instagram organically?’, try something like:
- ‘How to fill your Instagram community with dream clients without paying for ads’
- ‘How to cultivate a community of loyal followers who show the fuck up for you’
- ‘Your content is boring. X reasons why your Instagram growth has stalled’
- ‘Ads aren’t the miracle solution. Here’s how to boost your Instagram profile without them’
The question to ask yourself here is – “what’s actually going on inside the mind of my ideal client?”
Because are your ideal clients thinking – “How can I grow my Instagram organically?”?
Or are they thinking – “Fuck me, I’m going to have to pay for ads and I can’t afford it”?
What’s the problem or thought process that’s playing on repeat in their mind right now (that’s related to what you do)?
Your ideal client might not be aware they need hashtags or understand Instagram analytics – so when you go in with messaging that’s ‘how can I grow my Instagram organically?’ or ‘why you need hashtags’, it doesn’t always sink in and grab their attention.
One of the questions I asked this wizard was, “What hesitations or objections might your ideal client or customer have before they hit the buy now button?” – they said money and a lack of understanding of the value of their services.
To me, this says your ideal client doesn’t fully understand the importance of what you do based on how you’re positioning it.
You need to really channel your ideal client and think about your messaging and marketing from different angles – messaging that makes sense for your ideal client (not you).
This does take practice and trial and error but once you find that micro messaging that does the trick – it feels good, and you’ll notice the difference!
#3 Highlight what makes you unique and different
I know I say this a lot (I think you’ll find I’ve mentioned this on every episode of Messaging on the Mic so far), but it’s because the ONE point of difference you have from every other social media manager and virtual assistant is YOU.
Differentiation in your messaging and marketing is the thing that will help you stand out in an in-demand market.
When I asked this wizard:
- “Why do people come to you for help? When people reach out to work with you – why do they choose you?”
- “What makes YOU the person to work with? What makes you unique to other [insert what you do here]s?”
…They said they didn’t know.
And look, I get it! Talking about myself is not exactly my idea of a good time – but your messaging and marketing isn’t the place to be humble.
If you don’t tell people why they should choose you, they’ll find someone else who does. And I share this with you because I attract the most magical humans into my community, and I genuinely want to see you win. Dog knows there are some people in the online space who are all talk and no substance, so obviously I want to see the good wizards sharing their magic and winning the clients over these dark wizards!
So, to help this wizard better answer the two questions I posed around differentiation – my recommendations are:
- Look at your testimonials – what do they say?
- Ask your current clients the questions – get feedback straight from the source
- If you could get the ULTIMATE testimonial from a client – what would it say in response to these questions?
- What do you really want to support your clients with – what is your special biz potion for success?
- Where are you playing it safe, or diluting your unique blend of magic in your messaging and marketing?
Then I want you to take some time to answer those questions again, genuinely and honestly, from the heart – remove the judgement, and don’t be modest.
My key differentiation piece for this wizard is…
The magic is in the micro!
If you want dream clients to pick you out of the crowd of other social media managers and virtual assistants – you gotta make why they should pick you so freaking obvious!
This means your messaging needs to speak to your ideal client on a whole different level, and really get in their heads.
Some of these shifts will be small, but the impact will be HUGE! The micro messaging shifts really are where it’s at in 2024!
Sign up for How to Tell + Sell
The potency of micro messaging is powerful. This is why I’m running a FREE masterclass on Wednesday 19th June: How to Tell + Sell – The Micro Messaging You Need to Win Clients on Repeat in 2024.
I’m going to take you through the specific marketing + sales messaging you need to stand out and win dream clients on repeat.
You don’t want to miss this masterclass – sign up here.
Want More?
⚡️ Instagram: @thesocialbolt
⚡️ Take the quiz! Discover Your Unique Blend of Content Magic here
⚡️ Get my DIY Content Wizard Bundle to help you with strategic content creation for your heart led business here