Sales Ain’t Sleazy with Harriet Mellor

Sales Ain’t Sleazy with Harriet Mellor

  Lately I’ve been talking A LOT about sales and selling on social media because I know that when I say the word sales – you cringe a little. You immediately think of that sleazy car salesman or one of those booths in the middle of the shopping centres that...
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Mel Hogan

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Mel Hogan

I’m SO excited to introduce a very special wizard in my life. Someone who joined the very first round of the School of Content Wizardry and I’ve had the privilege of watching her truly blossom in her business. She’s also become a very dear friend of mine.  Today’s...
BTS Tour Of The School Of Content Wizardry

BTS Tour Of The School Of Content Wizardry

Today’s episode is a little different…. I’m throwing open the doors to the School of Content Wizardry to give you a little behind-the-scenes tour.   This is your inside look into my signature program to help reveal and spark your inner Content Wizard. ...
The Importance of Connecting to Your Why with Amee Triscari

The Importance of Connecting to Your Why with Amee Triscari

I have a fire-cracker of a guest to share with you today.   One of the key people in my support crew who has helped me get the fuck out of my own way so I can show up as me and share all the goods with you. She is part hype-girl, part velvet sledge hammer…  I am of...
Why You’re Missing The Point When It Comes to Social Media

Why You’re Missing The Point When It Comes to Social Media

I want to have a chat about something that I often work on with my clients and the wizards in the School of Content Wizardry. And that’s selling on social media. I often find that people are scared to share their products and services on social media out of fear of...