The Secret To Sales Page Brilliance With Miish Grixti

The Secret To Sales Page Brilliance With Miish Grixti

My first interaction with this wizard was seeing a post she shared on Insta with the quote “Does your inner creative sound more like Snape or Fred & George?” So OF COURSE we became biz besties!  She’s the best copywriter in the world…*big call I know* but...
Visibility In Your Business As An Introvert

Visibility In Your Business As An Introvert

I want to share what I know about visibility in your business as an introvert because one  question I get asked A LOT is…⁠ ⁠”As an introvert how do you show up and talk on stories, how do you go live on Facebook, how do you run guest masterclasses?”⁠...
Strategy Isn’t a Dirty Word with Ellie Swift

Strategy Isn’t a Dirty Word with Ellie Swift

I’m Hermione-at-exam-time level excited because I have THE most magical guest to share with you today. A woman who’s had the biggest impact on my business (and my life) and who makes it to the top of my gratitude list time and time again. And when I decided to launch...
How I Was Fully Booked Within 4 months in Business

How I Was Fully Booked Within 4 months in Business

I’m ready to dive into the juicy stuff. The kinda stuff I know you want to know… But if I’m honest, it feels a little stretchy and uncomfortable for me to share… It’s not my default setting to talk about myself like this… But I also know it’s not about me and...